
Music notation

Music Notation

During centuries of music development, musicians around the world were trying different ways to write down their music. Rather than just passing it through years to each other. There was a variety of systems of writing music. The one that we use today survived, and was accepted worldwide. Simply because it allows the musicians to…

Tuning the guitar

The guitar, like any other stringed instrument, gets out of tune all the time, and it needs to be tuned often. In the past, the guitar players had at their disposal a tuning fork and their own musical ear to tune the guitar. Today this process has become much easier. The most popular ways today…

Practicing Guitar

Have you heard about those successful guitar students that keep practicing guitar all the time, they progress extremely fast, and looks like there is nothing impossible for them? Yes, for sure you know such a people. But why are some guitar students not that successful, why they don’t have such a great desire to practice…


Guitar lessons in Dubai, learn guitar

Sound, written as a Quarter note, will be four times shorter than a Whole note two times shorter than a Half note, and so on. However, that does not give us its absolute duration. To know the absolute duration of a note we need tempo. Tempo is the pace or the speed at which the…

Why Classical Guitar?

Many studies show that the benefits of studying music and playing an instrument can be substantial. Kids who study music from an early age can do better at a range of subjects. Children who play music learn that there are rewards from hard work, practice, and discipline. Playing a musical instrument helps in developing kids’…

Guitar Beginner Books

Most guitar teachers have their guitar beginner books or a method that they prefer to use when teaching guitar to beginners. The guitar teacher uses many books but usually, one main one which he changes as the years go by. With time of-coarse, I also have my favorite books to instruct new students. Being an…