
The importance of classical guitar exercises and etudes cannot be overstated!

As classical guitar players and students, we constantly improve our technique and our interpretation skills. One of the most common ways to do that is by playing guitar exercises and etudes. During centuries of the development of the classical guitar, composers and teachers have created a massive amount of didactic literature. For different situations aiming…

How to Prepare for a Guitar Performance?

Performing is an important part of any musician’s growth, but it can be nerve-wracking. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for a guitar performance: There are a few things you can do to prepare for a guitar performance:

Learn Classical Guitar in a Group

Group guitar classes Seniors

There are many benefits to learning guitar in group guitar classes . It will provide you with an opportunity to learn from other musicians, who are more experienced than you. In a group, you are in a supportive and encouraging environment to grow your skills and abilities. Learning guitar in a group setting is not…

5 Reasons to Start Learning Classical Guitar Online Today

5 Reasons to Start Learning Classical Guitar Online Today

If you’re thinking about learning classical guitar, or any guitar for that matter, you may be considering the possibility to learn guitar online. But, with so many options available, it can be tough to decide which route is best for you. Here are 5 reasons why learning classical guitar online is a great idea: 1.…